I use a suite of natural science, economic, and integrated assessment models in my work. These models are always open-source and were created using Mimi; a Julia programming language package for integrated assessment models developed in connection with Resources for the Future's Social Cost of Carbon Initiative. A number of these models that I and/or my colleagues maintain are linked below. Please reach out with any questions and also check out the Mimi Framework user forum for additional help.
Natural Science Models
- MimiSNEASY.jl: The Simple Non-Linear Earth System (SNEASY) model, which couples a one-dimensional diffusive energy balance model to a non-linear carbon cycle.
- MimiFAIRv2.jl: Version 2.0 of the Finite Amplitude Impulse-Response (FAIR) simple climate-carbon-cycle model. Other model versions are also available: FAIR v1.3, FAIR v1.6.2.
- MimiBRICK.jl: The Building blocks for Relevant Ice and Climate Knowledge (BRICK) probabilistic sea-level model, which individually models sea-level contributions from glaciers and small ice caps, land water storage, thermal expansion, and the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets.
- Mimi_NAS_pH.jl: This package provides a simplified expression to calculate globally averaged ocean pH from the National Academies report, "Valuing Climate Damages: Updating Estimation of the Social Cost of Carbon Dioxide."
- MimiGIVE.jl: The Greenhouse Gas Impact Value Estimator (GIVE), a new integrated assessment model that implements the National Academy of Science's near-term recommendations for improving social cost of carbon estimates. This model is fully described in Rennert et al. (Nature, 2022).
- MimiDICE2016R2.jl: Dynamic Integrated Climate-Economy (DICE) model version R2. Other available versions: DICE 2010, DICE 2013.
- MimiRICE2010.jl: The Regional Integrated Climate-Economy (RICE) model, which is a regionalized version of the DICE model.
- MimiFUND.jl: The Climate Framework for Uncertainty, Negotiation and Distribution (FUND) model.
- MimiPAGE2009.jl: The Policy Analysis of the Greenhouse Effect (PAGE) model.
- MimiNICE.jl: The Nested Inequalities Climate-Economy (NICE) model, which adds sub-regional income quintiles into the RICE model to account for the distribution of climate damages and carbon mitigation costs. (version 2.0 under development)
- RevenueRecycling.jl: The NICE model with an empirically calibrated carbon tax revenue recycling policy component.
- AIR.jl: The RICE model with a component that accounts for two effects of climate policies targeting co-emitting sources of carbon dioxide and air pollutants: (i) the local health co-benefits from improved air quality and (ii) the global co-harms from reduced aerosol cooling.
- MimiSSPs.jl: Load data from the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) for use in Mimi models.
- RobustAdaptiveMetropolisSampler.jl: Implements the robust adaptive metropolis MCMC sampling algorithm for Bayesian model calibration in Julia.
- MimiIWG.jl: A package that replicates the integrated assessment models used by the US government's Interagency Work Group on the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases for its 2016 update.
- MimiRFFSPs.jl: A package that provides probabilistic, multi-century socioeconomic (country-level) and greenhouse gas emission (global-level) scenarios for climate policy analysis.
- MimiCIAM.jl: The Coastal Impact and Adaptation model, which estimates global coastal impacts due to sea-level rise from the perspective of economic efficiency.
- ABC_Calibration.jl : A package to carry out likelihood-free, approximate Bayesian computation model calibrations with MCMC (under development).